Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Stripping complete

The rocker and curve of the hull on the picture above looks exagerated, but the Swift actually has a beautiful slender shape.

"Just another day in Paradise"

One advantage of working in the house is that you can listen to music like the above song by the Eagles.

However, when I got home after graft on Thursday I found that the domestic servant had the washing machine drain on the bedroom carpet. Again.

Then, after I serviced the bird feeder I found that I had stepped into some dog poo in the garden and left some spots on the lounge floor. Having cleaned that up I went to the bathroom to wash up and found that the dog had also pee'd on the floor.

To top it all, with my wife being in Northern Namibia, I dreamt the previous night of fishing for Tigers in the Kwando River in the Caprivi. I don't even know if the Kwando has Tiger fish.

"Bid the violence farewell and learn to be still" the Eagles carried on.

Yeah, right!

What I actually wanted to do is get some serious teeth marks onto that Halco Sorcerer lure that I had bought fro Brett at Stealth.( Stealth Performance Products )
Teeth marks from something like this that Mick Clarke had caught some two weeks ago.
(Mick is not a short guy). Photo courtesy Mick's web site (http://www.kayakfishingsa.co.za)


I am eager to see how the deck will fit on the hull but before further work can be done on the Swift, the stripped cockpit methology will have to be sorted out. In the mean time work will also be resumed on the Evolution.

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